Preparation for Disaster Prevention

About Facing Disaster Prevention

Securing function of working as a base for Disaster Prevention

Drill on ordinally days is important for Disaster Prevention Parks to be used effectively in case of Disaster. We have such a drill as to cope with local city and fire station, local residents. Also we have a drill with our company's staff to make starting team for preparing rescue and our mission is to maintain the facility for Disaster Prevention.

Corporation with local residents

We have a drill with local city and fire station, police, local residents on the whole.

Disaster Prevention Drill

Voice from participants

「I have a confidence that I will be able to move smoothly in the situation of real Disaster. 」
「I was surprised to see that ordinally bench will become a stove when disaster occur.」


We have such a drill as to think importance about making first step of the team to cope with fire station and police, Self-Defense Force for rescuing.
We, Park Management Office staff, always understand importance of accurate and quick move of gathering and checking the facility and communication drill with other related groups.

Scene of drill


Communication drill

We equipped Disaster Prevention Radio System in all the parks except islands area and secure the communication system for preparing Disaster occasion. We trained for keeping the stable communication way.

AED: Automated External Defibrillator

We equipped AED in all Parks and Japanese Gardens, Cemetery except islands area, those are administrated by us.

AED: Automated External Defibrillator

Disaster aid vending machine

We equipped Disaster aid vending machines in several parks, those will work for 48 hours by self generation system to give can drinks for people in case of no electricity supply.

Please notice this mark
Disaster aid vending machine