




紅葉が一部色褪せ・落葉し始めました Our fall foliage is beginning to fade and fall

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The fall foliage in Hama-rikyu Gardens, especially that of the Japanese maples and trident maples is beginning to fade and fall.

The fall colors of the wax trees and muku trees, dotted around the garden, are in their prime though.

Come feast your eyes on them before they are gone!

※The photos were taken on Dec. 13, 2023.

浜離宮恩賜庭園231213紅葉-thumb-240xauto-110284 イロハモミジ・ハゼノキ(鷹の御茶屋と松の御茶屋の間) fall colors of the Japanese maples and the wax tree between Taka-no-ochaya and Matsu-no-ochaya
浜離宮恩賜庭園231213紅葉とツワブキ-thumb-240xauto-110285 ハゼノキ(馬場跡) fall colors of the wax trees at the Site of the Riding Ground
浜離宮恩賜庭園231213紅葉とツワブキ-thumb-240xauto-110285 ムクノキ(馬場跡南側) fall colors of the muku trees south of the Site of the Riding Ground
浜離宮恩賜庭園231213紅葉とツワブキ-thumb-240xauto-110285 ハゼノキ[延遼館跡南側(芳梅亭寄り)] fall colors of the wax tree south of the Site of Enryo-kan near Hobai-tei
浜離宮恩賜庭園231213紅葉とツワブキ-thumb-240xauto-110285 ハゼノキ(野外卓広場東側) fall colors of the wax trees east of Yagai-taku Open Space