【お知らせ】11月15日より、浜離宮恩賜庭園は入園方法が変更となります。As of November 15th, there will be a change in the way to enter Hama-rikyu Gardens.
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As of November 15th, there will be a change in the way to enter Hama-rikyu Gardens.
・There will be no reservation required to visit the garden.
・A reservation is not required to visit the garden, but entrance will be limited when the garden is crowded.
・We appreciate your continued cooperation to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
•Take your body temperature before entry. If your body temperature is 37.5 degrees centigrade and over, please refrain from entering.
•Avoid crowded hours (around 11 a.m. through 2 p.m.).
•Disinfect your hands.
•Wear a mask or face covering. Cover your coughs and sneezes.
•When it is crowded on occasions such as during the flowering season, make room for others when you are done with the viewing.